As Robert Downey Jr. once said, “They Had Plant Bombs & All,” filming the $585 million Marvel Cinematic Universe film “Iron Man” was like walking on a minefield.

As Robert Downey Jr. once said, “They Had Plant Bombs & All,” filming the $585 million Marvel Cinematic Universe film “Iron Man” was like walking on a minefield.

Robert Downey Jr. had a number of stunts while playing Iron Man in the Marvel movies, much like in any other action or superhero movie. Although a lot of CGI is used in these kinds of films, genuine explosions are occasionally used by the directors. For instance, Christopher Nolan created the atomic bomb explosion in Oppenheimer without the assistance of any visual effects. Comparably, Downey was terrified by some of the real explosions in Robert Downey Jr.’s debut MCU film, Iron Man, which weren’t completely staged.

The actor described filming the 2008 picture to walking through a minefield while recalling his experience. Jon Favreau was the director. Iron Monger, played by actor Jeff Bridges, was the primary antagonist. One of the most famous sequences from the Marvel Cinematic Universe is in it: Tony emerges from his kidnapper’s den wearing the first Iron Man outfit, and he just keeps going with a ton of swagger as a blast blasts from behind him.

Robert Downey Jr

For fans of comic book movies, it will always be legendary. The Iron Man franchise had several explosion-related scenarios, such as the one in which Iron Man 3’s mansion blew up. Another noteworthy explosion sequence in Iron Man occurred when he gave his customer an explanation of his armaments at a remote location. During filming the 2008 movie, Downey sustained injuries during the first explosion sequence or the cave scene. According to Showbiz Cheatsheet, after Downey sustained injuries, he talked to YouTuber Chuck the Movie Guy in 2008 about the risky filming conditions.

“You want to know why I was running my a** off?” exclaimed Robert Downey Jr. They had kerosene in 30-gallon barrels and plant bombs and everything. I felt like I was in a minefield the entire day. The actor from Avengers said that Jon Favreau, the director, had already assured him that the explosions would not be phony. He remembered that Jon had promised him, “I won’t do anything phony in front of you.” Their perseverance and hard work paid off, as the film brought in $585.79 million at the global box office. In addition, it offered the fans access to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and altered RDJ’s life.

In addition to being Iron Man’s director, Jon Favreau plays a crucial role in the MCU. In addition to Pepper Potts and Rhodey, he is portrayed as Happy Hogan, one of Iron Man, alias Tony Stark,’s closest confidantes.

Catch all the Iron Man movies with Robert Downey Jr in the lead on Disney+.


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